Saturday, January 17, 2009

On Rue Tatin: Living and Cooking in a Small Town was an ideal escapism read for an Ohio girl stuck with too much snow and below zero temperatures. The author write about moving to France to write a cookbook along with her husband and very young son. She discusses the fifferent way of life, the people, the food, the landscape. Its a great read for travel buffs or escapists. Food factors into the stories but only here and there and she follows each chapter with some delicious-sounding recipes.
She jumps around in time a bit in the story. And I use story very loosely. Its really more of a loose memoir and rather dreamy. My favorite bits were the tales of remodeling their crumbling old house and the description of the weekly farmers' market.
I'll give this a 6. Anything that takes my mind off the cold is alright by me.

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