Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wiling away the hours

Actually, I've been crazy busy with work and some exciting new projects (which I tell more about soon). But in between all that, I finished a book and watched two movies.

Brideshead Revisited is a pretty gripping tale about a family in England during World War II. Cordelia may be my new favorite fictional character. She's hysterical.

Superbad was cute and sweet in between all the silly humor. I liked the friendship between the two main characters and I have to admit that McLovin cracked me up. And the dick drawings at the end are pretty awesome.

Juno is so good! So funny and cool and with a soundtrack chock full of the Moldy Peaches. Loved it!

1 comment:

i suwannee said...

ohh i've always loved brideshead revisited, but never had anyone to discuss it with! i saw atonement last night - i think they are sort of in a similar vein.