Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Other readings and watchings

I thought I was reading Nocturnes for a challenge, but apparently I wasn't. Still, it was a fast read for being a relatively big book. All creepy-ish short stories, many were less than 10 pages long. I appreciate an author who can pack a punch into such a short space. The one that has stuck with me the most though was the first rather longer tale with the unfortunate title of "Cancer Cowboy" - way better than it sounds.

My little brother is my library fairy. He works in the library so now and then when I pop in to pick up my reserved books, I'll find a surprise for me. The Rabbits was the most recent one. It is a kids book but its so freaking ominous and dark. The art is beautiful and the message is haunting.

As for watchings, we have managed to see some things in between all the packing and pitching out. Lars and the Real Girl has been on my to-see list for a while. It was quirky and interesting. I though Paul Schneider who played the brother was pretty terrific in it. It was a very sweet story.

We managed to watch the first season of The Shield as well. I like it! I'm not a big fan of Michael Chiklis, but he's good as the mostly detestable Detective Mackey. My only complaint is the character of Julian. He doesn't seem real and there's so very little backstory on him that it seems like he just popped into existence. Almost like they just decided they needed a gay cop so they threw one in without thinking too much about his character. Maybe that will be rectified in the next season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think those are both books that i must add to my repetoire!